DEWT 5 – sketchnotes

A week ago, the fifth edition of our Dutch Exploratory Workshop in Testing (DEWT) peer conference took place. DEWT5.

The elevator speech: DEWT is a weekend full of experience reports and facilitated discussions with a pleiad of (inter)national testers. And fun, of course: games, beer, walks in the woods! And let’s not forget that good old friend Laphroaig. The theme this year was “Test Strategy”, hand-picked by this year’s content owner Ruud Cox. The diversity in the reports was striking, as was the diversity of ways in which people interpret the notion of a test strategy. Yes, let’s assume it was long elevator trip.

I set out to take notes of all the talks, and I learned a valuable lesson in the process. It is very hard for me to combine focused note-taking (sketchnote-style) while critically thinking about the matter at hand. Then again, I have always known that  multitasking is really a my… oooh shiny scans:

Marjanna Shammi:


Maaret Pyhäjärvi: 


Ruud Teunissen:


Richard Bradshaw:


Peter Schrijvers & Massimo D’Antonio:


Ilari Henrik Aegerter:


Simon Knight:


Joris Meerts:
